Obviously we were all kids once ( actualy most days I refuse to grow up ) and we said things in that were humdingers im sure. I have 6 nieces and nephews by marriage and blood and Ive heard some good ones out of them. My two kids are no exception.
Ill be the first to admit for a guy Im pretty sensitive. Sarah said something that hurt. Most guys wouldve blown it off and I shouldve too. But I didnt. She was mad at me about something this mornign while she as the dining room table. She turned to me and said "I didnt choose you to be my daddy" I repsonded to her " she didnt have a choice" Ive heard out of her before "your mean", "your dumb" and even an "I hate you" every once in a while. Kinda harsh out of a 7 year old but shes says what she feels at the time.
This time though her comment hurt. I dont know what it was but it stuck. It bothered me the rest of the time at home and while we were driving this morning. Obviously here it is 3 hours later and its still on my mind. It doesnt sting like it did before thankfully. Ill get over it. Im sure there will be another time or two ( or lots ) down the road and they might hurt to. Im just not looking foward to it.
Sorry for downer post Ill have something more cheerful next time
2011 - The Finale
13 years ago
(((Frankie))) We always say "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me", but of course we know that's not true.
Within the next couple days or so, she will tell you out of the blue that you are the best daddy ever. And she will mean those words much more than she did the hurtful ones.
Sorry, Frankie. :( Kris is right! I imagine that she also feels guilty about it. I can remember saying "I hate you" to my mom (many times, sadly!) and NEVER meaning it. I just knew it would get a reaction at that moment when I was angry. Here's some hugs, though... (((FRANKIE)))
Hang in there bud. Kids will say things just to get a reaction. It'll blow over and you will get a "best daddy" comment again soon.
BTW, Thanks for the traffic. In the past month, your blog accounts for 56% of my traffic. Kick is next at about 15%. (I love playing with numbers)
Thanks gang! I hadnt told Debbie what went on today but she read my blog this afternoon and when she got home she made Sarah apologize. She really felt bad when she found out. Obviously she didnt realize that it made me upset. She gave me a big hug and we proceeded to play a game of Go FIsh and Slap Jack.
Your welcome, glad I could help. How much of that traiffc is me visiting and how much of it is other folks jumping over to your blog from mine?
Well, I don't have a huge #'s (40 for the last month listed your blog as a referring page), I think the only way a visit would be lumped into the category of you being a referrer is if they click the link in your blog. Otherwise, just visiting a bookmarked page would fall into the direct/none category.
I also don't know how reading a blog in a reader like Google Reader impact this. That is how I read most blogs, then I click on the link if I want to and have the time to comment. I think I would show up as direct.
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