Sunday, July 27, 2008

This Week On Surprise Ink

Well after much thought and deliberation I finally went and got my first tattoo. Its something I had been thinking about for sometime. I honestly didnt know if I would be able to deal with the whole process. As it is I dont claim to have a huge tolerance for pain and I hate needles. Well I went Friday night to a shop recommned to me by Stacy ( Dankinia on the 30s ) and got it done. It took three hours with a couple of breaks thrown in. I dont know what hurt worse the tatooing or my hip after having my leg twisted for 3 hours. It actualy wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. The outlining of the tattoo was the worst part of it. I got it on my right calf. There were some exrta tender spots as Warlock ( the artist ) got near my shin bone and near the middle of my calf. Well here it is.

The tattoo is my two kids astrological signs combined. Sarahs's sign is Pieces and Tyler's is Aries. When I came up with the idea and the design of the tattoo I thought I had better do something for both kids at the same time in case I really hated the process and wouldnt go back.

Im sure the question I will get asked for a while is did it hurt and will you get another one. As the homepage of Sketches Tattoos says ( the shop I went to ) Fuck Yeah It Hurt. As for will I get another one? Right after I got my tattoo, I wouldve said no. 48 hours later, yes I will get another one. I already have some ideas of what I want. Just got to sit down with pencil and paper and put down a good design. Although I have to come up with a design for Debbies second one first.

Speaking of Debbie, I know some of you have been checking out her blog. She has a request, if you check her blog out, she asks that you leave a comment of some kind please. Even if its just every once in a while.SHed like to know who is stopping by.


Merry in Japan said...

WOw! That is huge!! they say tattoos are an additiction, once you get one, you want more. I have managed to only have one for 10 years now. Now I am off to Debbie's blog!

Elizabeth said...

Cool tat, Frankie! FYI.. it's gonna feel like a sunburn soon, but only for a day or two, and that's the worst of it from here on out. Keep using the post-care stuff, and you're home free.

I think it's a way cool design! Grats on your first ink!

The Six of Us said...

Whoa nelly! I knew you were getting one, but it's bigger than imagined. Very cool design. :)