I mentioned in an entry a couple of days ago that I for once was speechless and wasnt sure of the reason. Deep down I know one of the reasons, I was just denying it or surpressing it as best as I could.
Earlier this year I was diagnosed with Andropause. To keep the definition short and sweet, basicaly my testosterone is on the decline. With the decline in testosterone level comes many different symptoms. Some of those symptoms can be depression, mood swings, non injury aches and pains, loss of sexual desire, fatigue just to name a few. I suffer from several of them. To combat this, I started a hormone replacement therapy in late spring. Basicaly I was given an injection of testosterone in pellet form that slowly over time released into my system and brought my level up higher. Im not sure what the numbers mean but before I started the therapy my level was less than 300. A male my age should be at a minimum of 750. About midway through the summer my level was checked again and I was in the mid 500s. Better but not were it needs to be. With the therapy I have to get injections twice a year. Well I can see that its time as some of my symptoms have come back in full force. I would assume my level has dropped again. Not sure if on this next go around my Dr. will increase the amount of pellets I get or what. I guess its something I need to discuss with him.
Needless to say I know I need to do something. Its not such a great feeling when your wife tells you, "I wish you'd get your next shot". Heh, easy for her to say. She doesnt have to go in, get a local injection, have an incision made and a small load of pellets ( which I cant feel ) inserted into my upper glute area. Its a bit humbling and painful but in the end its worth it. Its also nice to know theres a reason why for the last year or more I have been moody, depressed and so short tempered at times. Not to mention the aches and pains I was feeling. Some of them were from the low testosterone level. Ive learned a bit of the last 4-6 months about some of this stuff.
If youve made it through all of this entry, thank you. If your still gonna check in back in after finding out a bit more about me than you had planned, awesome. Some of you might have heard a bit about this before on Kick but obviously without as much detail. Thanks for reading and being patient with me
2011 - The Finale
13 years ago
Hormones suck! I remember when mine were flying out of control during my pregnancies. Crazy stuff. Take care of yourself.
Hey there. Keep on hanging on and take care of yourself. Glad that you are looking into things with the dr.
Thanks again for the game last weekend. I had a blast.
Just remember, you are never alone.
Hormones do suck. Hang in there.
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