Ive now gone for the 2nd of 3 epidural injections in order to bring some relief to my protruding disc between my c6 and c7 verterbrae.
Im not much of a fan of needles but the thought of taking the option either time of sedation seemed like a real waste of time. First you had to bring somebody with you as you arent to drive after being sedated. Then they put in a cathedor and run an iv bag. THeres alot more pain and bullshit to go through for getting sedated than just climbing up on the table and getting the local anesthesia inection then the epidural.
After I got my injection and sat in the recovery chair for a few minutes, I noticed my Dr talking to an older gentleman. Apprently the gentleman wanted the sedation. Well Dr Rubin couldnt find a vein good enough to start the Iv for the sedation. He wound talking the man into just going in, getting the local, then proceeding with the epidural. Not sure how he made out as my 15 minute recovery time was over.
As far as relief. I think the shots are helping quite a bit. Apparenly though they wont make much of a difference with the clicking my neck makes. Oh well, so long as my arms and legs dont feel like they are going to fall off or spasm anymore I can deal with the clicky neck. Dr Rubin said im good to go on amusement park rides, woo hoo!
Thanks for reading!
2011 - The Finale
13 years ago
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