With this blog entry I have written as many entries in June as I did in all of 2007. Guess Im feeling kinda chatty this month.
As much as you might think you know somebody there are always things that can pop up and surprise you. Reading the blogs of family and friends gives you a different perspective on life. Wether it be their life or even events in your own life, there is always a different view.
Sometimes its eye opening the things you read. Good in some ways, not so good in others. There are times were after you read something you really wish you could be there for that friend or family member instead of miles away. Looking at it that way there are times were it would be nice to have the freind of family member next to you to support you. Just knowing that they are out there and have you in their thoughts makes a huge difference though.
Ive read some good things latley in blogs. Things that maybe I had an idea about but after reading an entry or two solidified what I was thinking.
Ok ive rambled in no apparent direciton on this one so im going to close it out. But I will say im happier in these last few weeks =) Guess that treatment finally started paying off
2011 - The Finale
13 years ago
Actually commenting on your plans to run PF Chang's down the road. I had heard from my tri-geek friends that they were changing the drink to Cytomax. (Which I hate, if you don't know why, you can read my RR from San Francisco where they had that) Well, I just confirmed it on the RnR page:
"Start training today with Cytomax!"
I guess I can make a HM with nothing but water and gel/gu, but don't think I want to try a full that way.
But since I haven't been doing much running at all lately, I should be looking at 5k and 10k', not HM or full's. LOL.
I think thats the crap they had in San Jose a couple of years ago. I tried it at the expo and thought it sucked. I didnt get any GI issues from it but it sucked just as much on the course lol.
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