A question came to mind on my way home this evening. When a friend is in need of support, love, caring or even a shoulder to lean on, do you offer it knowing you have issues in your own life? Ive always tried to be there for my friends through thick and thin in their lives. Its not always easy as everybody has issues come up in there lives from time to time.
One of the members of the board is having a tough go right now and I checked on him on my way home. I didnt get very specific with him and he didnt elaborate many details but I just wanted him to know that I was there if he needed someone to talk to and that some of us are struggling too. Thats when the quesiton of does it make sense came to mind. Im personaly going through probably the top 1 or 2 hardest times of my life. Physicaly, mentaly, emotionaly this is probalby the hardest I have ever had it. But yet im right there trying to be there for a friend knowing full well I have things in my life that need fixing. I look at it from the point of view that its easier to offer a friend advice and that friend can take it or leave it. They dont have to use the advice if they dont want. When a friend comes to you in eed, you cant tell them sorry, come back in 3-6 months when Ive got my life straightened out. That friend would probalby never come back to you.
When it comes to my issues, unless I ask a friend for help, I only have Debbie or myself to try to work on them. When it comes to my own life, im a half empty type. When it comes to my friends I try to find that silver lining in things for them. Wish I had an easier time of finding the silver lining in my life at times.
So the question still remains, does it make sense?
Thanks for reading
2011 - The Finale
13 years ago
You are a good man Frankie.
To answer your question, I try to offer my support when friends need it even if I'm in a rough spot. I have to admit that I'm not always in tune enough during those times to recognize when my friends need help too, but I try my best.
Anytime I can help, even if just a listening ear, please let me know. You have offered the same to me many times and I want to return the favor.
Yeah, it does make sense.
Frankie, I think for the most part people are very giving. They're willing to help out whenever, despite what might be going on their own lives.
I'm probably much like you in that I try to work out my own issues within my own head or with a very select few people in my life. I don't think there's anything really wrong with that - people have to work out things the way they know how.
That's the one thing great I've found about the board we frequent - when folks do need a little sounding board, people are available should we need 'em. Like Kris, you know if you or anyone else needs someone like that, I'm only glad to help out
Dude - if you ONLY knew how much that "made sense".......
I think a lot of us on the boards aren't really keen on asking for support unless things are ridiculously rough. Drop the slightest hint that times are tough, however, and folks will come through in a heartbeat.
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