Friday, December 26, 2008
So That Was Christmas
So whats my problem you ask?
Having to leave Debbie and the kids to get to work by 830 for starters. Then having to actualy work while I was there instead of collecting my double time and a half 8 hours for doing nothing. These were petty things. The real truth of the matter was, for 9 hours I was by myself and had a lot fo time to think about things, namely my grandfather passing away and not being here for this Christmas. This was my first Christmas without him. I had 36 with him and this first time without him hurt. Ive been in a funk the last 3 months due to my HRT starting to wear off and now Christmas came and went without grandpa.
Ill be ok. I have some fun things to look foward to in the next week or so. Im traveling to San Diego next Tuesday to meetup with Chris "DuckGeek" Butler from our board to attend the Holiday Bowl as his guest. Theres a possibility that Kristi "kjboston" will come down from Irvine to meet the two of us. Then I come home and attend the Coyotes vs. Avalanche NHL on New Years Eve. The bitchin thing about that is that I got front row, on the glass seats for the game. Way cool! Then after the game itll be off to the Tippery's for their annual NYE block party. I can drink and not worry about driving that night as my dad is loaning us his motorhome and we are going to park it by Doug and Beths house so we can go and crash after the party.
So life isnt so bad, just hit another one of its potholes. Ill pick myself up, dust myself off and press on.
Thanks for reading
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Me and My Guy
Sarah doing her nail art
After having no luck with fishing, Keith, Kylie's dad, suggested we head to a small municipal park were the fishing was alot better. Pretty much like shooting fish in a barrel. So off we went. I wasnt able to fish at the park as I didnt have an urban fishing license but I had more fun watching Sarah and Kylie fishing. After 30-46 minutes Sarah caught her fish ever fish, a ssmall sunfish/bluegill. Not to long after that we decided to call it a day, headed over to Subway and had lunch.
Sarah and Kylie with the catch of the day
Keith and I cleaning up
The early morning start mustve got to Sarah as she passed out on the way home. I kinda wish she stayed asleep longer. It wasnt 20 minutes after we got home from our very special morning when she crashed on her bike. But thats a story for tomorrow
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Surprise Party
Dude, your head is on fire! Lol. Kinda interesting how I got this guy directly in between me and the hot air balloon basket as the balloon crew hit the burner.
A few more of them lit up for everybodies viewing pleasure
Just a little bit of useless trivia for you folks that I learned when we went on our hot air balloon ride. There are two parts to a hot air balloon, the basket and the envelope. The basket is what the pilot and passengers rides in, the envelope is the material in which the hot air fills and allows the balloon to rise. So in actuality the term hot air balloon is the sum of two parts, the basket and the envelope. SO there you go you leanred something new today. That knowledge and 6 bucks will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks =)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
So Many Ideas, So Little Time
About halfway up, looking south towards Peoria
Ryan, Debbie, Sarah, Tyler, Me and Megan at the halfway point
At the top
A little post hike football in the park
A good time was had by all, nobody fell off the mountain or biffed it down the trail in a major way so life was good. My kids really enjoyed it and I think hiking will be something we will continue to do as a family.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Holiday Meme
If you want to play along, copy the questions onto your blog, post the answers, and leave a comment here so I know to go read yours.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? As bad as I am at wrapping things I prefer wrapping paper, it gives a present a more personal touch
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial, real ones die here too fast
3. When do you put up the tree? Usualy the day after Thanksgiving, this year Ill do it over this weekend
4. When do you take the tree down? Day after New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? I dont recall what it even tastes like its been so long
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmm probably my Star Wars Snowspeeder or my Spider-Man action figure
5. Hardest person to buy for? Debbie
6. Easiest person to buy for? Myself ( what? dont tell me you dont buy things for yourself while out shopping =) )
7. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I plan on buying one this year
8. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail them, kinda goes along with the wrapping paper theory
9. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Drawing a blank here.
10. Favorite Christmas Movie? Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas
11. When Do You Start Shopping For Christmas? Up until a few years ago, I'd do my shopping ( like most men ) on Christmas Eve. Now its usual the week of Chirstmas
12. Have you Ever Recycled a Christmas present? No
13. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Danish Butter Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Tamales
14. Lights on the tree? Yeppers, our tree is pre-lit with 1,000 clear lights
15. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night, Christmas Sarajevo and Gene Autry's Silver Bells
16. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Usualy travel to one of the inlaws houses
17. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Yes but only by singing that bit at the beginning of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. ( again, gotta go with Gene Autrys version =) )
18. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel that Sarah made in preschool
19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Day.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Christmas decorations and music in the stores before Thanksgiving
21. Favorite ornament theme or color? no theme really, just a mix of old and new
22. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Honey baked ham
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? My two front teeth =)
Monday, December 01, 2008
Whoa Nellie! Were has the year gone?!
I weighed in this morning, boy that wasnt good. I guess Thanksgiving finally caught up with me . I gained from last week. Sucks as on Thursday morning I was down 1.4 lbs from that Monday. Ooops. Im still down but that number is dwindling fast. Need to keep focused.