We received completley unexpected news late yesterday, Debbie's sister Lori had passed away. At this point we dont know what her cause of death is. She had talked to both Debbie and their step mom on Sunday and had said she wasnt feeling well. Apparently she just went to bed on Sunday and never woke up again. Debbie oldest sister found Lori on Monday after going over to her apartment as noone had heard from her all day and began to worry. When Heather got their and couldnt get Lori to open the door or answer the phone, she called 911. The police got the door openend and thats when Heather found Lori. We wont know for a few days as to what the cause of death was.
We dont have any idea yet when the funeral will be. We have to wait for Loris body to be released to a funeral home and then we can go from their.
2011 - The Finale
13 years ago
I am so sorry to hear about Debbie's sister. We will keep all of you in our prayers.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
You and yours are in my thoughts.
I am so sorry to hear that. Terrible way to get the news as well. Know the you are all in my prayers.
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